Name & Age, State

I liked the guests in our house - Mallika Jethai, Simanta, Pinky, Anupam, Albert and also the songs and dances. I liked Eku's song and playing with my friends like Adi.”

Prayas Kaushik,
10 yrs, MI


As a child from the host family, I really liked that our community grew so close together for a united goal: making the 34th Assam Convention a success. During the convention, I enjoyed the tremendous spirit everyone had. It lit up the word, AWESOMESE.”

Krishangi Kaushik,

14 yrs, MI


I liked Convention more best because my daddy gave me 1 orange Hot Wheels car and my mommy gave me 1 red Transformer car because I sang and acted ‘Bahor Murha’ well.

I made a new best friend Angu dada from New York (Angeeras).”

Taj Bora,
3 yrs< MN


My best part was when I got up on the stage with my friends to sing the song”. 

Mommy, I liked everything about the Assam ‘Vention’, now can I please go and play.”

Saniyah Reisha Taher,
5 yrs, MN


The best thing about Detroit was being on stage, playing all day with my Assamese friends from Minnesota and meeting my buddy - Geet's cousins' Amoha and Angeeras.”

Devarsh Deka Borah
6 yrs, MN


The best thing I like about the convention is the journey, my piano and bahor mura performance, 

staying awake and playing very late with friends, being at the convention like a big Minnesota 

family,and finally I want to go to the convention every year.

Aradhana (Ruhi) Choudhury, 7 yrs, MN


What I liked most is when the man said Minneapolis was the winner for all the mommy’s and daddy’s chorus competition, and then we all jumped up in the air.

I really enjoyed singing ‘We are in the same Boat Brother’, ‘Jana, Gana, Mana’ and ‘Bahor Murha’. I’m so happy because I got 4 cool trophies.”

Nimisha Bora,

7 yrs, MN


Assam convention was very fun. It was great when Minnesota won the chorus competition. I loved singing Bhupen Hazarika's 'Manuhe Manuhor Babe'. It was a lot of fun spending time with my friends and cousins. I was also thrilled when the MN boys' team won the Assam trivia!”

Sangeet Barkataki,
7 yrs, MN


Every summer, I look forward to the Assam Convention. It is because of the fun programs and the talented people that I get to meet. I also like to have fun watching the programs with my friends and I like to hang out with them for the whole trip. Sometimes, it requires a long road trip to get there, but it’s all worth it because I get to visit a new place. I also look forward to performing in front of everyone.”

Sabriyah Taher,
13 years, MN


I liked a lot of the convention but I did have some favorites. I liked listening to that man that stated all those companies and who knew a lot of famous people. I also liked the finale day because it was really fun listening to the best singers and dancers.”

Ajay Bordoloi,

12 yrs, NJ


My favorite part about the Detroit Assam Convention was listening to the guest speaker during the youth forum. It surprised me that someone of that age can start something so big and be successful. I also enjoyed hearing the story about The Last Orange. The story interested me very much. Lastly I enjoyed hearing the singing and watching the different types of dances put on during the cultural program.”

Anjali Bordoloi,

14 yrs, NJ


The 34th convention of AANA was held at Detroit on July 4, 2013 to July 6, 2013. Most of the people attended with their family and there were many young children of different ages. We enjoyed the kids’ programs and I participated in some of them. My Bihu dance was well appreciated. All programs were well planned, the stage-management was good and hospitality of the organizers (AAMI) was memorable. We all felt at home and enjoyed most of the programs. The performance of the guest artistes was very good and I was inspired by the Sattriya Dance Performances of Dr. Mallika Kandali.

These are the reasons why I have appreciated AAMI’s hard work making this convention wonderful.”



Garggie Pathak Talukdar, 9 yrs


The Thirty-Fourth Assam Convention had so many great things about it from the events to the location. For example, we were charmed by the cute children singing and dancing while we were amazed at all the excellent performances by the adults. Also all the guest artists added more interest to the convention.

The location and hotel of the place was excellent as there were neat, spacious and tidy rooms, nice lobby and with everything you needed near-by. The hosts of this convention were doing a good job as performances were completed on time. Everything was very professional. Almost everything was done nicely in this convention and I wish to see the same or even better in the next Assam Convention.”

Jishnu Talukdar,

12 yrs, 

Ontario, Canada,



I liked singing on stage and I liked the microphones.”

Anya Barua Schwartz,
3 yrs, PA


I liked doing the ‘Sound of Music’ and the apple brownies.”


Ria Barua Schwartz,
5 yrs, PA


Thank you kids (and parents) for all your sweet responses! I really enjoyed going through each of these,
and I am sure you will too!
- Geeti Das

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