ac2013 OfficialSite

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The Official Site of the 34th Assam Convention 2013

The Host Committee of Assam Convention 2013 is very happy to announce that the 34th Assam Convention will be held on July 4th, 5th and 6th, 2013 in Metropolitan Detroit, Michigan. We look forward to seeing you all in the Motor City, the home of Motown Music. Although Detroit is known for the automotive industry, Michigan is also known as the Great Lakes State, nestled amongst shimmering fresh water lakes and having the world’s longest freshwater coastline.

 TheJustConcluded33rdAssamConventioninCalgaryAlbertaCanada 234thAssamConventionJuly4 62013DetroitMichigan_2

 We hope you come and enjoy the natural beauty of our area as you gather here to re-connect with old friends, make new friends and create memories. We are delighted to be part of this annual tradition that brings us together in a land far away from home. We have an enthusiastic group of people here who are very excitedly making preparations, details of which will follow later. We invite all of you to come, enjoy, participate and make this a memorable 34th Assam Convention.

  - With best wishes,

Host Committee
34th Assam Convention Detroit, Michigan


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