The Assam Sahitya Sabha, North America (ASSNA) held its annual meeting on 4th of July, 2010 in Nashville, Tennessee at the Assam Convention North America. Gayatree Siddhanta, the President of ASSNA presided over the meeting. The meeting began with the rendition of "Siro Senehee Mor Bhasa Jononee". The commemorative annual magazine of the convention "Luitor Pora Mississippi" published by ASSNA was formally released in that meeting. Dr. Iswar Chakrabortty of Canada recited two poems that he had composed. The meeting was well- attended and very successful in generating discussions among the members.
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A brainstorming session was held during the meeting among the participants in order to generate ideas of new projects that ASSNA can work on. The Secretary of ASSNA Dr. Chandrasekhar Sarma emphasized that ideally these projects should be implementable within a year time frame, should need minimum resources requirement and should give ASSNA the best return on investment. However, he also acknowledged the possibility of always starting some special projects with a longer time frame.

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Following are the resolutions and the suggestions generated during the brainstorming.
Resolutions taken:
1. A resolution was taken that the words which are regularly used in different parts of Assam ( such as lower Assam) should be included in the new dictionary being complied by Assam Sahitya Sabha: For example many people in Assam use the word "kadom" to mean mud ( "boka:). Such words should necessarily be included in any Assamese dictionary.
2. No “X” should be used while referring to Assam Sahitya Sabha or Assam Sahitya Sabha of North America.
Historically there was no resolution taken any time that the name Sahitya and Sabha should be replaced by
Xahitya or Xabha.

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Brainstorming Session:
1. Have regional representative who will collect articles for Luitor Pora Mississippi:
Please volunteer your names (needs 4).
2. Scanning old Assamese manuscripts to Google: The work has apparently been started by the central committee of Assam Sahitya Sabha: need to find out if Google will own the copyrights or any other rights

3. There should be a website of ASSNA
4. The wiki page on ASSNA should be augmented with information
5. There should be regional centers of libraries of Assamese books built around the US. People can
exchange books in Assam Convention.
6. The President and Secretary of ASSNA are not responsible for any collection of advertisement or revenue or
any other financial responsibility at this point
7. The Luitor Pora Mississippi should be sent to the State Museum in Guwahati
8. A copy of the LPM should be given to the Library of Congress (DONE. Thanks to Monorajan Bezboruah)

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