Dear Friends,

Happy New Year and Happy Magh Bihu to you all!  It gives us great pleasure to bring out the Magh Bihu newsletter. I strongly urge you to read it from start to the end. During the editing phase, I went through it line by line. Two words came to my mind: Simply superb. I felt as if I went on a journey through the vast American Continent with stops in Assamese households all over. Our vibrant community has really grown roots here and supplanted the Assamese culture, firmly in its soil. People are really writing with great finesse and deft poetic touch. The piece from Mr. Prasanna Datta is very poignant and the AFNA/Amarpal's story is rousing and heartening. You will shed tears, taste pitha and doi seera and hear our rich and soulful music.

This is also a moment to reflect on the sad demise of Bhupenda, Mamoni Raisom Goswami and our own beloved Dr. Kamna Das who has been an epitome of dedication, enthusiasm and leadership spanning all generations for several decades. Let us all pray that their souls rests in peace. Let us pledge to remember what they stood for and contribute our own mite to our society and culture. To facilitate this, you are requested to join our organization. The forms are available in this newsletter. Your support is of paramount importance to promote our culture, literature and to support charitable causes in Assam.


President Gautam L. Baruah & Mrs. Enakshi Baruah (center)

Assam Convention 2008, Atlanta, GA

We invite you to the next Assam Convention (33rd) at Calgary, Canada, a place of great beauty and charming hospitality. The Calgary folks have promised us a fantastic experience. Don’t miss this opportunity. Read their piece below.

Best wishes and regards,

Gautam L Baruah, Ph.D.


Assam Association of North America 

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